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July news – and Glasgow 2024

82nd World SF convention, 8-11 August 2024

We're steaming up to the convention now. It's rarely in the UK and it's a good chance for us to easily see friends from other climes. The massively-talented Chris Baker is the Artist Guest of Honour and if you didn't read the books with his covers in the Redwall series a few years ago, you'll definitely have seen evidence of his work when he was the concept artist for Stanley Kubrick (AI and others) and Tim Burton (Corpse Bride).

Fred Gambino

Returning to traditional painting has been a treat for Fred after many years of travelling the globe working mostly digitally for movies. He'll have a collection of his paintings and prints in the convention art show.
He'll also be promoting his novel, Dark Shepherd. A recent review of SF in the Financial Times suggested: 'Gambino has enjoyed a long, successful career as an artist working in film and game concept design and book jacket illustration, and with this novel – the first in a trilogy and a fine piece of fast-paced, slam-bang space opera – he shows himself to be as adept with words as he is with images.' Available from Newcon Press.

John Harris

John has thoroughly searched his plan chest for earlier sketches and has found some classics as well as some new work. You'll be able to see those on the website by the time the convention opens on 8th August but here are a few examples. I might bring a few more to the con.
Predator in the Human Forest
At the Transit Point
Micopolis study

He's even found the drawing that first inspired his own story of The Rite of the Hidden Sun.

Jim Burns

Jim has produced a new version of his Sundiver cover and will be selling prints of that and many others.
He's also hoping to meet Robert Silverberg for whom he produced so many covers a few years ago, both for the US and UK markets. Sorcerors of Majipoor was always a favourite of mine.

Ian Miller

Ian won't be attending this time but there are many signed prints you can buy from me online. Here's his cover for Clifford Simak's The Werewolf Principle.
And here's just a detail from Kozilek, Butcher of Truth, one of his Magic images.

In the meantime . . .

Chris Foss has a comprehensive show of his work at a gallery in Guernsey. You can read more about that here.

Chris Foss at Art for Guernsey
Good luck to Chris and to all the artists showing their work this month. And we'll look forward to seeing friends in Glasgow next week. Do get in touch if you're there. I'll be there with John Harris from Thursday 8th August in the afternoon until Saturday morning, 10th August.