Chosen by The Scotsman for one of the best children's books for 2022.
'The Ever-Changing Earth by Grahame Baker-Smith is a stunning celebration of planet earth, from the roar of the dinosaurs to the modern world. Baker-Smith's cinematic drawings give a real sense of awe and wonder, and the book charts the history of the earth from its earliest beginnings, exploring how simple cells evolved over billions of years to become the myriad of plants and creatures we see today. Each page is a beautiful work of art, and the huge topic of the earth's evolution is made easy-to-read and accessible.'

Published by Templar, the third in his 'Earth' series, following The Rhythm of the Rain and Wild is the Wind.
There are many of the interior images from the book in Grahame's Illustration portfolio
Watch the short film to see more of this very special book.