'This is a clever picture book with a dream-like quality. It is beautifully designed with a wealth of detail, conveying dark emotions, storms of war and weather, and a powerful sense of loss and bereavement.' The CILIP Kate Greenway Medal Shortlist 2011: Judges' Comments
'With just one glance at this cover I was hooked. It's illustrations are pure and magical, an intriguing mix of realism and fantasy. Words are stunning - a tale that will touch all hearts.' Kids Book Review, Australian blog
'Cleverly symbolic, underscoring immediately the conflict between reality and fantasy - a beautiful book... we are drawn into a world of impossible dreams, dreams that while beautifully described and hauntingly evocative are tinged with a deep despair.' Books for Keeps
'This is a multi-layered magical picture book that will be read and looked over again and again. There is so much to think about. This intelligent picture book has an abundance of spirituality and imagination. It has very wide appeal in terms of age-range. Grahame Baker-Smith has given us a stunning book that soars high.' Write Away
'A sumptuous and eye-catching book from the outside, which doesn't disappoint when opened to reveal a stunningly illustrated and very touching story.' Autumn Highlights, Bookseller Children's Buyers Guide

Published by Templar Publishing and Winner of the Kate Greenaway Medal